Products>Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation (Transformative Word)

Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation (Transformative Word)

ISBN: 9781577996583

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The Tension of Revelation

In Between the Cross and the Throne, Matthew Emerson brings one of the least-understood books in the Bible to life for the modern Christian. Revelation was written to a community facing a period of trial and persecution. John wanted to remind his readers that God, not Satan, is ultimately sovereign and victorious. In conversational tone, Emerson takes us through the book of Revelation, explaining the deep themes often missed within the book’s complex imagery. He reminds us: We live between the time of Christ’s coming and Christ’s return—and in this tension, we can have hope.

Praise for Between the Cross and the Throne

Emerson is not only one of evangelicalism’s brightest up-and-coming scholars, but one of its best pastoral communicators. This fine little book is evidence of that.

—Bruce Ashford, provost, dean of the faculty, and professor of theology and culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Crisp, clear, and engaging, Between the Cross and the Throne briefly and competently examines the frequently misunderstood and often avoided book of Revelation. Readers will enjoy it and find themselves understanding much about Revelation's content, genres, imagery, narrative, theology, and message.

—Christopher W. Morgan, dean and professor of theology, School of Christian Ministries, California Baptist University

The Transformative Word Series

God’s Word is transformative. It is this conviction which gives the Transformative Word series its name and its unique character. Series Editor Craig G. Bartholomew has worked alongside authors from around the world to identify a key theme in each book of the Bible, and each volume provides careful Biblical exegesis centered on that gripping theme. The result is an engaging, accessible thematic exploration of a biblical book, poised to offer you new and refreshing insights.

Learn more about the other titles in this series.

Top Highlights

“Rather, it is a book that was and is vital for the Church; it assures us, even as we face tribulation, of the triune God’s victorious reign and the imminence of Christ’s return.” (Page 1)

“This is the theological center of Revelation—because Jesus has already won the war on our behalf, and because he is coming again, Christians can stand firm even in the midst of persecution and temptation.” (Page 6)

“For Christians in the first or twenty-first century, the application of Revelation is the same: Stand firm in the Lord Jesus Christ, come what may from God’s enemies, because the Trinitarian God will make all things right when Christ returns.” (Page 15)

“Revelation is a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse.” (Page 9)

“We need to read John’s vision with an eye to the present of first-century Christians and to our own contemporary context. Any interpretation of the text that could be deemed irrelevant to or unable to be grasped by first-century readers is likely to be missing John’s point.” (Page 13)


  • Introduction
  • Revelation as Literature
  • The Drama of Redemption
  • The Portrait of God and His People
  • The Portrait of God’s Enemies
  • The War of the Lamb
  • Reading Revelation Today
  • Conclusion

Product Details

  • Title: Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation
  • Author: Matthew Y. Emerson
  • Series: Transformative Word
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 96
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5x8
  • ISBN: 9781577996583

About Matthew Y. Emerson

Matthew Y. Emerson (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Dickinson Assistant Professor of Religion at Oklahoma Baptist University. He is the author of several articles and Christ and the New Creation: A Canonical Approach to the the Theology of the New Testament (Wipf & Stock, 2013). Emerson also serves as a steering committee member for the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar and senior fellow for the Center for Ancient Christian Studies.

Sample Pages from Between the Cross and the Throne


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