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Try searching for The Jesus Quest, or check out these recommended products:

Parables: Portraits of God’s Kingdom in Matthew, Mark, and Luke (Not Your Average Bible Study)
Although Jesus’ parables may seem simple on the surface, they convey deep and complex truths about God’s Kingdom. The parables Jesus uses in his teaching aren’t merely illustrations or moral tales. They are intricate stories that reveal the mysteries central to the kingdom of God.
Growing One Another: Discipleship in the Church
Discipleship was one of the central themes of Jesus’ teaching, yet it is not a major emphasis today for many churches. This short study guide explores the Bible’s teaching on discipleship and covers such topics as the need for discipleship, the demands of discipleship, and the enemy of discipleship. With discussion questions at the end of each chapter, participants will work through guided reflection as they learn about the centrality of discipleship in the Christian life.
Sermon on the Mount: Living for God’s Kingdom (Not Your Average Bible Study)
Greed, power, selfish gain. We can easily get caught up in the values that guide our world. But on a mountainside in Galilee, Jesus spoke about the way of a different kingdom. He spoke about loving enemies, giving generously, and living without hypocrisy. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shows us what it means to truly live.
Living in God’s True Story: 2 Peter (Transformative Word)
In Living in God’s True Story: 2 Peter, Donald L. Morcom shows that remembering the truth is the core theme of Peter’s second letter. In the midst of false alternatives, he encourages believers to live faithful lives that demonstrate mercy, love, and wisdom. Though it may be short, 2 Peter is an impactful letter that explains how we can order our lives in accordance with God’s true story.
Knowing the Bible: Isaiah: A 12-Week Study
The book of Isaiah, which alternates between promises of judgment and restoration, reminds God’s people of the magnitude of humanity’s sin, the judgment that we all deserve, and how God displays his glory by saving sinners. This guide shows us how the prophetic promise of cosmic renewal ultimately anticipates the work of Jesus Christ, the servant-king whose death results in new life for all who trust in him.
Women & Identity: 9 Studies for Individuals or Groups
We live only a small fraction of the lives God has for us. Our lives get smaller and smaller, circling around the minute-by-minute disappointments and demands of the present moment while God whispers softly or even hollers for us to harness our whole hearts. Written by experienced spiritual leaders Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Tracey Bianchi, the nine studies in this guide follow the biblical themes as well as the journeys of women showing the way to embracing God’s strength and wisdom to live whol...
What Is the Gospel? Study Guide
Greg Gilbert’s best-selling book What Is the Gospel? has sold over 300,000 copies, helping Christians and non-Christians alike gain a clear understanding of the central message of God’s word. This study guide was created to further help readers answer this important question and apply the gospel to their lives. Reflection questions, along with summaries and key Scripture passages for every chapter, empower readers to explain the gospel in their own words and apply the truths found in the book. Intended for small groups, one-on-one studies, or individual use, this study guide works alongside What Is the Gospel? to help readers center every part of their lives around the good news of the gospel.
Cutting Ties with Darkness: 2 Corinthians (Transformative Word)
The story behind 2 Corinthians is one of pain and heartache. The Apostle Paul is wrestling to maintain his relationship with the young church in Corinth that he established. Paul writes this deeply personal letter to pick up the pieces of a broken relationship. We all have painful stories and relationships that are on the rocks. In Cutting Ties with Darkness, John D. Barry explores how we deal with these scars in light of Jesus’ example. How do we discern when to reconcile and when to walk away? In these relationships, our own judgment can become clouded. Paul tells us that we must cut ties with the darkness—both within ourselves and in others—before we’re able to rebuild our lives on the redemption of Jesus.